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Spiritual Thermostat – Maintain Your Own Climate

Hammer it home to yourself, that the key to the matter of whether you are disturbed or tranquil, fearful or composed is not the external stimulus, whatever it may be, but your response and reaction. Your own response is what “makes” you feel fearful, anxious & insecure.

Do not emotionally respond to the scare “bells” in the environment. You are an “actor” not a “reactor”. We should not be like a ship that goes whichever way the wind happens to blow. We must keep our ship afloat and stable. Our ship must not be tossed and rocked and perhaps sunk by every passing wave, or even a serious storm.

Many times apart from the actual minor stimuli in the environment we respond to our own negative mental pictures. We impose our own negatives: This or that may happen; what if such & such happen. Stop scaring yourself to death with your own mental pictures.

We respond to these negative pictures as if they were present in reality. Your nervous system can not tell the difference between a real experience and one that is vividly imagined. The proper response to worry pictures is to totally ignore them.

Our physical body has a built in thermostat, which maintains the inner temperature at a steady 98.6 degrees, regardless of the temperature in the environment. The weather around you may be freezing cold, or 110 degrees. Yet your body maintains its own climate – a steady 98.6. It is able to function properly in the environment because it does not take on the climate of the environment. Cold or hot – it maintains its own.

Likewise you don’t have to take on the outward climate. Use spiritual thermostat to maintain an emotional climate and atmosphere in spite of the bad emotional weather around you.

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