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React Intelligently

In a movie shooting, director brings out a sign which says “applause” and everyone applauds. He brings out another sign which says “laughter” and everyone laughs. They act like sheep - as if they were slaves, and meekly react as they are told to react.

Many a times we act the same way. We let outward events and other people dictate us how we shall feel and how we shall react. We act as obedient slave and obeying promptly when some event or circumstance signals us – “Be angry” – “Get upset” – or “Now is the time to feel unhappy.”

We have to tame our minds and become freed from the domination of outward conditions & circumstances.

Lord Krishna instructs Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita 12.15
“He by whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anyone, who is equipoise in happiness and distress, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me.”

Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport:
“Since a devotee is kind to everyone, he does not act in such a way as to put others into anxiety. At the same time, if others try to put a devotee into anxiety, he is not disturbed. It is by the grace of the Lord that he is so practiced that he is not disturbed by any outward disturbance.”

React intelligently to un-intelligent treatment!

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